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What is 


Hybrid Publishing

So, you’ve completed your manuscript, now what do you do? Do you try to find a literary agent and go the traditional publishing route which can take years with no guarantee of being published? Or do you strike out on your own and self-publish without the skill and know how to produce an industry quality book?


You yearn for the prestige and quality assurance offered by a traditional publisher, but you also want the creative control and opportunity to earn more from self-publishing. So, what’s the best choice for you?


In the dynamic world of publishing, a hybrid publisher is a game-changer. It is a publishing model that combines the accessibility of self-publishing with the professionalism and support of traditional publishing.


As a hybrid publisher, Leap Forward Publishing takes on the role of a collaborative partner. We guide authors through the entire publishing process. Hybrid publishing presents a unique middle ground between self-publishing and traditional publishing, offering authors a blend of the best features from both worlds.


Leap Forward into
Hybrid Publishing


Here at Leap Forward Publishing our hybrid model strictly adheres to the criteria outlined by the Independent Book Publisher’s Association (IBPA), ensuring that we maintain a high level of professionalism, transparency, and quality. Here's a glimpse into what these criteria entail:







IBPA Hybrid Publisher Criteria

  1. Define a mission and vision for its publishing program

  2. Vet submissions

  3. Publish under its own imprint(s) and ISBNs

  4. Publish to industry standards

  5. Ensure editorial, design, and production quality

  6. Pursue and manage a range of publishing rights

  7. Provide distribution services

  8. Demonstrate respectable sales

  9. Pay authors a higher-than-standard royalty

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